GMC offers flexible solutions. We provide services, systems and products through a single point of contact.
An Inspiring Story
GMC has been working on development aid projects since 2004. We have built a solid reputation in our fields of expertise. GMC Consulting is actively engaged in development aid projects focusing in both in developing and transitional economies.

GMC has been working on development aid projects since 2004. We have built a solid reputation in our fields of expertise.
GMC Consulting is actively engaged in development aid projects focusing in both in developing and transitional economies.
GMC Holdings has built a solid reputation for its knowledge, flexibility, reliability, as well as the ability to successfully implement projects within its core sectors: economic development, Health, educational and social reforms, institutional support protection and framework contracts.
GMC Holdings has been driven by the desire of facilitating a long term partnership between a trusted and interconnected network of stakeholders in the Development Cooperation field, committed to sharing experiences and good practices.

Our vision is to be dedicated to helping customers thrive in a changing world. The world we live in and the way we communicate are changing, and we believe in progress, growth and possibility. We want to help all our customers make their lives and businesses better with products and services that are tailored to their needs and easy to use. This means getting ever closer to customers, understanding their lifestyles and their businesses, and establishing long-term relationships with them. We’re passionate about customers and are working to meet the needs they have today and innovating to meet the needs they will have tomorrow
With a significant experience, GMC is actively involved in the procurem ent procedures, tenders, projed management both in the European union and the emerging markets.We vi.ork concurrently in several joint ventures such as; Programme for Co-operation with Em erging Markets or consortia of partner countrie s com panies in these countries. Afghanistan, Albania, Armenia, Bangladesh, Benin, Bolivia, Bosnia-hl ercegovina , Burkina Faso, China, Colombia, Egypt, Ethiopia, Philippines, Georgia, Ghana, Guatemala, India, Indonesia, Yemen, Cape Verde, Kenya, Macedonia, Mali, Moldova, Mongolia, Mozambique, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Palestinian Authority, Peru, Rwanda, Senegal , Sri Lanka, Suriname, Tanzania, Thailand, Uganda, Vietnam Zambia and South Africa vahich execute projects in cooperation v‘ith local companies on a longer term co-operation. Programme for E conom is Co-operation in Project s regarding Dutch companies and consortiums to work together aiming at export transactions. The a divities may be medical research, t echinica I training projects.


Who We are
GMC was built brick by brick through hard work.The industrial group consists of five companies with different business areas, but all sharing the same slogan: “Consider it done!”.
GMC delivers on time, efficiently and correct. Our values trust, passion and courage are based on responsibility, cooperation and respect.

Our Services
We provide services, systems and products through a single point of contact.
Our Company
The industrial group consists of companies with different business areas, but all sharing the same slogan: “Consider it done!”.
Our Domains
The world is full of opportunities but very few are able to channelize them. Knowledge, skills and information continues to remain out of reach for many. GMC seeks to bridge this gap by introducing to the vast number of resources the world has and how it can help them gain sustainable development.




We are a social enterprise offering knowledge and skills to NGOs, companies and individuals worldwide to improve their resource mobilization processes and enable a sustainable environment.


Business Intelligence
